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Convenient Time to Start Your own Business

Let's say that is true. Does that mean this is the best time to start your own business? Well, given this is such a monumentous decision the real answer is: It depends on your state of mind at this point in time.

But what have you got to lose, right? You don't have to quit your job. You don't have to take a second mortgage to finance the venture and you don't have to sell your soul.
Why not go for it?
Couple this risk free environment with the Internet and there is almost no reason why you shouldn't take the plunge.
As you may already know, the Internet has so much free information on starting a business that it would seem like the antithesis to not start your own business.
Put almost any type of entry into a search engine, and you will find some site dealing with the search request. In fact, if you had no other tool, search engines could dish up enough information to meet the research requirements for a Ph.D. on starting your own business.
Fortunately you don't have to rely on search engines alone.
The major book sellers are still selling books by the volumes (pardon the pun) everyday. Seems information is the number one best seller today as 40 years ago.
Your local library has both books and computers. Chances are excellent these computers are also hooked up to the Net.
Magazines and newspapers are also on the shelves for patrons.
Don't forget the mall. It has bookstores and the bookstores have books, magazines, newspapers, CDs, etc.
Information saturation is the fuel propelling start ups.                        

Given the economic safety net, or at least the perceived safety, people are stepping out to start up. Even if they fail, they accelerated commerce for the time they were in business. It is a win-win scenario.

You can accuse me of becoming brainwashed over 40 years of reading now is the best time to start your own business, but, think about it, when is the best time? It will always be now since yesterday is tomorrow's today.
Your attitude determines your altitude. If you believe now is the best time to start your own business, then go for it.
Take the first step and don't look back.



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